Volume 18, Number 2 (2015)
Volume 18, Number 2, a special topic on “Reframing Immigration in the Americas,” centers new perspectives for the 21st century through studies, testimonials, activists’ statements, new theories and pedagogical approaches on immigration scholarship, including interrogations on Undocu-Queer and Trans migrations, detention and the politics of immigration courts, race and migration, and undocumented vs. documented labor.Articles
The U.S. Story of Immigrants and Un-Immigrants
Elizabeth Coonrod Martínez
Reframing Immigration in the Americas
Gilda L. Ochoa, Enrique C. Ochoa, and Suyapa G. Portillo
Organizations Serving Latino Communities Take Opposing Positions on Senate Bill 744
Gilbert G. Gonzalez
The “Good,” the “Bad,” and the Queer Invisible: The Los Angeles May Day Queer Contingent
Suyapa G. Portillo Villeda, Eileen J. Ma, Stacy I. Macías, and Carmen Varela
Idealizing Maya Culture: The Politics of Race, Indigeneity, and Immigration Among Maya Restaurant Owners in Southern California
M. Bianet Castellanos
Not Coming Out, but Building Home: An Oral History in Re-conceptualizing a Queer Migrant Home
Sandibel Borges
“Sobreviviendo”: Immigration Stories and Testimonio in Song
Martha E. Gonzalez
Empowering Students through Creative Resistance: Art-based Critical Pedagogy in the Immigrant Experience
Luis-Genaro Garcia
Diáspora Interruptus
Manuel Camus
Moving Beyond Immigration Reform: A Call for Social Inclusion and to Change U.S. Foreign Policy
Esther Portillo-Gonzales
“Stop this Bullshit”
riKu Matsuda
The Art of Community: An Interview with Malaquías Montoya
Delia Consentino and Malaquías Montoya
Rincón Creativo
Poemas migrantes
Consuelo Hernández
El Sueño del Ahogado / Dream of the Drowned Man
Vickie Vértiz
Aquí Estoy
Bamby Salcedo
About the Artist/Photographer
The Art of Malaquías Montoya
Malaquías Montoya
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
Alejandra Marchevsky
Book Reviews
Cindy I-Fen Cheng
Book Reviews
Ester E. Hernández
Book Reviews
Martha D. Escobar

- Editor
- Elizabeth Coonrod Martínez
- Assistant Editor
- Cristina Rodríguez
- Poetry & Creative Editor
- Juana Iris Goergen
- Book Review Editor
- Bill Johnson González
- Editorial Consulting Board
- Gabriela Baeza Ventura, University of Houston
- Norma E. Cantú, University of Missouri, Kansas City
- Rafael Chabrán, Whittier College
- Hilda Chacón, Nazareth College
- Arlene Dávila, New York University
- Gilda Ochoa, Pomona College
- Kim Potowski, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Luis Escala Rabadán, Colegio de la Frontera Norte
- María de los Angeles Torres, University of Illinois at Chicago
- CLR-DePaul Advisory Board
- Rocío Ferreira, Modern Languages Department
- Juana Iris Goergen, Modern Languages Department
- Bill Johnson González, English
- Megan Bernal, University Library
- Office Manager
- Chelsea Díaz
- Editorial Intern
- Alejandra Amezcua
- Student Staff
- Brenda E. Becerra
- Paulina Nava
- Jaime Ochoa
- Andrea Ortiz
- Copy Editing Services
- Ben Levitt
- Press
- Corporate Graphics of America, Inc.