Psychology Night Research Posters and Presentations

Faculty Sponsor, if applicable

Joseph A. Mikels

Project Abstract

Approximately 75% of active adults in the US do not meet the recommended levels of physical activity. To address this, Fit & Strong! (F&S!), an 8-week long, evidence-based group exercise program, was created to improve the health and wellbeing of older adults. It is proposed that positivity resonance-- a caring interpersonal connection involving shared positivity and synchrony-- is impactful in improving psychological and physiological wellbeing. Given the intrinsic association of behavioral-physiological synchrony with positive affect, group exercise may be a conducive context for experiencing positivity resonance, the effects of which include flourishing mental and physical health. We explored to what extent social, health, and emotional factors influenced older adults to participate in F&S!, and the frequency with which older adults experienced positivity resonance in the program. Results indicated that older adults predominantly exercise for social and health reasons, and that exercising as a group is conducive to positivity resonance.

Type of Research

Doctoral-Undergraduate Opportunity for Scholarship (DUOS)


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