"You Can't Remain Neutral on a Moving Train – Marriage Equality in the " by Kris McDaniel-Miccio


This title, in part, was one of the famous phrases uttered by the brilliant historian Howard Zinn, a wonderful image that applies to advocating social justice. In the United States, the train referenced by Zinn was the Freedom Train, whether it be toward gender, racial or ethnic parity. Now it is the Freedom to Marry Train and it has not only left the station, it is moving at break- neck speed and almost unstoppable. This Train built with the blood, sweat and tears of the LGBTI community, forged by fire and situated on a justified track. There is no difference between this train and the 1964 Freedom Train: both are about freedom and equality and both demand that we climb aboard, or as Zinn reminds, be left behind in the dust of inequity.
