Nonprofit, faith based organization, religiosity, performance, nursing home, the Charitable Choice Initiative
The role of religion in effectiveness of organizations has been part of serious debates among policy makers, practitioners and scholars after President George W. Bush's creation of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives in 2001.
The primary purpose of this study is to determine whether being a faith affiliated nursing home influences performance. The secondary purpose is, regardless of ownership type - religiously affiliated or secular - to investigate if more religiously involved nursing homes perform better than their less religiously involved counterparts. Performance is measured based on criterion put in place by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
The statistical analyses found no substantial differences between performance of church affiliated nursing homes and secular nursing homes as well as more religiously involved nursing homes and less religiously involved nursing homes.
Recommended Citation
Ucar, Bulent and Nisanci, Zubeyir
"Are Faith-based, Long-term Care Nonprofit Organizations More Effective? A Survey Study of Nursing Homes in Virginia,"
Journal of Religion and Business Ethics: Vol. 3, Article 22.
Available at: