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resettlement communities, community development, community entrepreneurship, empowerment, cross-sector partnerships
The density and growing population in urban areas have led to an increasing number of slum communities amongst environments with scarce resources and hazardous living conditions. In order to revitalize and modernize urban area, governments have begun relocating and resettling slum communities to outer areas of the metropolis. As a result, the displacement of people from former jobs, social networks, and cultural lifestyles have affected individual attitudes and created communities with limited community cohesion and sustainable livelihood. In order to alleviate the recreation of poverty, community development efforts in resettlement communities must include pro-poor, sustainable economic growth, inclusive social development, and good governance-the three pillars of the Asian Development Bank's (ABD) Poverty Reduction Strategy. This thesis presents a community development model developed by Adamson University's Vincentian Center for Social Responsibility (VCSR) as an innovative approach that is addressing urban poverty in the resettlement community of Southville I. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the ADB and VCSR frameworks, the community development model is legitimized. The author further argues conceptual alternatives that imply innovation and expansion:communities with dual identities; individual, family, community transformational and the university as the facilitator. These findings offer insight and recommendations that contribute to an effective framework for community development in resettlement communities.
Recommended Citation
Riturban, James DeVencia, "A multidimensional community development model for resettlement communitites: a case study in the Phillipines" (2010). College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Theses and Dissertations. 43.