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Document Type
Department/Program Conferring Degree
International Studies
Ireland, austerity, enclosure, 2007-2008 global financial crisis, neoliberalism
This thesis argues that the austerity policies in Ireland after the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis acted as a form of second enclosure and increased economic inequality. This thesis uses a Marxian critique of neoliberal market society to analyze the policies enacted after the 2010 Irish Bailout. I situated the concept of enclosure within liberal hegemony arguing that enclosure must be conceptualized as a method of inclusion and exclusion. In addition, I connect Ireland’s history of enclosure with the power relation between land ownership and capital accumulation. I contextualize Ireland’s austerity policies within the neoliberal project and Ireland’s membership in the European Union. Framing the bailout within these two contexts, I examine how these austerity policies act as a form of austerity through the inclusion and exclusion of the “common good” of welfare. I use Irish Travellers as an example of those excluded, as they are one of the most marginalized groups within Irish Society. Finally, I examine counter-hegemonic resistance centered on inequality in the form of newly create political parties. Understanding austerity as a recurring historical process uncovers the power dynamics reproduced within capitalist expansion and centers the discussion on the institutions creating these policies of inclusion and exclusion.
Recommended Citation
Soto, Taylor, "Austerity as enclosure: how austerity in Ireland after the global financial crisis acts as a method of inclusion and exclusion" (2018). College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Theses and Dissertations. 263.