College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Theses and Dissertations
Electronic versions of theses and dissertations awarded by the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences (LAS) at DePaul University since 2009 are archived here. Search the DePaul University Library Catalog for print copies of theses and dissertations awarded prior. Most DePaul theses and dissertations are also indexed in the proprietary database ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Information regarding requirements for LAS theses, non-thesis final projects, and dissertations can be found on the Graduation Requirements page. Contact the Graduate Student Services Office with questions.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
An interdisciplinary review of stress mechanisms, health effects, and the influence of a growth mindset, Nathaniel Hayes Barnes
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Loving without memory: on the concept of salvation from Deleuze's Spinoza to Spinoza's Deleuze, Eric Aldieri
Somewhere between: a memoir of the Bosnian American experience, Elvina Beslagic
Aristotle on the concept of life, Cameron F. Coates
Lake sonnets, Michael Dean
Leave in Yiddish, Eliana Herman
Eleusis contra delphi: the idea of eternal return in Nietzsche, Heraclitus, and the Greek mystery cults, Mustafa Kemal Isik
Nietzsche's Ariadne: a new perspective on the eternal recurrence, Jessica Jessen
"Her organs were a question of the state" reading Adriana Cavarero from the Latin American post-colony, Paula Landerreche Cardillo
Foucault's brain: discourse, matter, and the possibility of a plastic genealogy, Daniel Perlman
Unsettling graduate social work education at DePaul university, Jovan Rivera-Lovato
Hegel's critique of skepticism: concept, judgment, and syllogism, Jacob Singer
Passport stamps: traveling through memory and place, Alexandria Wachal
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Conditioned by History: Experience and Critique in Foucault's Thought, Vilde Lid Aavitsland
Black & Boring, Daryhl Gregory Covington
Autotrophy of the Other: On Food and Hospitality, Evan Edwards
Daytona sands, Avery Ferin
Ruination, Christopher Flynn
Modality and Method in Hegel's Logic, Ryan Froese
Civil War and the Government of Factions in Hobbes and Foucault, Owen Glyn-Williams
The Threat of Nihilism and the Prospect of Non-Nihilistic Metaphysics in Jacobi and Hegel, Tom Krell
On the Flow and Structure of Process: An Inquiry into Changes of Things, or Shifts of Systems, Zhen Liang
Nowhere station, Connor Lindsey
Relief Is the Thing with Teeth, Jess Macy
A Feminist Analysis of Pelvic Exam Violence, Maya Parekh
Half-Lives of Responsibility: Gramsci, Derrida, and Inheritance in Environmental Ethics, Michael Peterson
Pretty Weeds, Sarah Pobuda
Self-Representation of Black Queer Athletes in the WNBA: Resistance to Misogynoir and Heteronormativity in Women's Basketball, Kendall Nichelle Rallins
How Will I Tell You?, Elisa Revello
Nonlinearity as Care: Black, Feminist, and Queer Temporalities of History, Rachel Silverbloom
The Sense In Which All Things Move: Concepts of Meaning and World in Heidegger and Zhuangzi 莊子, Paul M. Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Social and cultural inclusion of queered and racialized performance during Chicago’s black pansy craze, Sarah E. Blattner
Envisioning maternal health practice through antiracist feminisms, Haley Moles
Reclaiming stability: the dialectic of stability and instability in capitalist society, Jeta Mulaj
Navigating the fat queer body: the impact of cultural discourses on identity construction and belonging, Gabriella Ann Mulder
Gender and identity reflected in the works of Nawāl Al-Sa‘adāwī and Samīḥah Khrais, Zachary Oesterreicher
The problem of sexuality: philosophy’s weak spot and the inconsistent nature of nature, Bradley Ramos
Reading foreign policy archives: how regime-made disasters, pointillism, and citizen-perpetrators underpin U.S. Empire-building, Abigail A. Raney
Black girl magic: the (re)imagining of Hermione Granger: an analysis and autoethnography, Kandice Rose
Crazy tubby girl/mad fat transman: troubling and reclaiming schizophrenia through women of color feminism and madness studies, Tyler Allen Selsor
Rememoration, ‘sticky associations,’ and social media performativity in the pegida movement, Haedyn Smith
The marginalization project, Malea Thomas
The feast of Lucy, Abby Vakulskas
Reimagining anthropology: towards an anti-racist, feminist ethnography, Nina Rose Smith Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Uncanny valleys: sex, power, & the artificial person, Margo Arruda
Engines of autonomy: regional organizations leading Latin America’s struggle for emancipation, Dejan Bajic
Worry the bone, Chad Baker
Second-generation Turkish Americans in Chicago: the influences on the preservation of ethnic identity & Turkishness, Zerrin Bulut
Toward feminist aesthetics: feminist provocations to German idealist aesthetics, Amelia Hruby
Racialization, sexualization, and resistance: a “subtle” look at Our Nig and “a subtlety”, Nicole Huff
A gendered analysis of the ready-made garments (RMG) sector of Bangladesh: a paradox of empowerment and dis-empowerment, Ishma Fairooz Iqbal
Pricked, Amy Jesionowski
The independence-dependence paradox facing youth aging out of care from transitional living programs, Rebecca Johnson
Prudence and providence in Kant, Khafiz Kerimov
Convenient fictions: the disciplining mechanisms of screenplay structure, Jessica King
The roommate, Caroline Macon Fleischer
La mise en page de l’enfant déraciné: l’identité, la mémoire et l’autofiction, Margaret O'Brien
The fate of universal history: on the task of philosophy of history between Kant and Benjamin, Daniel Pepe
De-policing queer possibilities, Michael Rangel
Recovering Palestinian ancestral remedies as a politics of return, Sarah Risheq
Sharing “the flesh of the world”: alterity, animality, and radical community in Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, Jonathan Singer
Is the identity development process intersectional?: the story of 15 gay white male Chicagoans, Jacob Stone
Let it all be joy, Christopher Watkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Searching for Sustainable, Intergenerational, and Multiracial Coalitions on the Neoliberal Campus: A Case Study, Victoria Agunod
Formative, Eli Brown
Strangers at home: Guido Deiro and his accordion in the American vaudeville theater, Yu Hao Chen
Developing resilience through local food, Erika Coble
White wilderness: race, capitalism, and alternative knowledges of natural space, Jamie Corliss
Poetics of the Abyss: History, Aesthetics, and Decoloniality in Édouard Glissant's Early Thought, Miguel Gualdron Ramirez
Envisioning utopia: the aesthetics of black futurity, Sydney Haliburton
Religious identities and allegiances in the transformation of Ukrainian national consciousness 2013-2018, Julian Hayda
China’s investment in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The impact of the 2007 Sino-Congolese agreement in a postwar period, John Bintu Bantu Kafarhire
Revolutionary bodies: William Blake and the struggle for transcendence, Anthony Madia
Obscurity and involvement on the unconscious of thought in Leibniz, Spinoza, and Hume, Gilbert Morejon
Migration, multilingualism and adaptation: language as social capital in a present-day Mexican ethnic enclave in the U.S., Citlali Ochoa
Emotional Labor and Care Delivery: Interviews with Obstetrical Nurses, Kelly O'Meara
From typology to aesthetics in American literature, Lisa Parzefall
Climate change, environmentally displaced persons and post-sovereignty: an assessment of normative gaps and potential solutions in international law, Thais Pinheiro Birriel
Towards a classification of continuity and on the emergence of generality, Daniel Rosiak
The fan fiction reading guide: the use of multimedia and comments as close reading tools, Lauren Rouse
Intertextual abolitionists: Frederick Douglass, Lord Byron, and the print, politics, and language of slavery, Jake Spangler
Land and land grabbing: the case study of the Neumann Kaffee Gruppe in Uganda, Carolyn Vertin
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The political logic of destituent power: time, subjectivity, and revolutionary violence, Kieran Aarons
Counter-narratives and Jonas Hassen Khemiri’s play Invasion!: storytelling that fractures the orientalist narrative, Anna Christina Bahow
Diversity and dissonance: a narrative exploration of adolescent transcultural identity construction within the International School, Rachel Conrad Carlson
Facebook as a contemporary public sphere: political consciousness and agency, Catherine Drake
The discovery of Merlin’s spirit within the trinity of Robert de Boron’s Le Roman de L’estorie dou Graal, Diane Higgins
Monstrous visions: mechanisms of defense and regimes of visibility, Ege Selin Islekel
Networks in nature: applying cultural ecology for stewardship, Shelby Lasaine
In the presence of suffering: toward a new understanding of evil, Kristina Lebedeva
Bob Manning & son: soul, inheritance, and forgotten stories, Matthew R. Manning
Critique and neoliberalism in Michel Foucault, Neal Miller
The logic of imagination: a Spinozan critique of imaginative freedom, Amanda Parris