Psychology Night Research Posters and Presentations

Faculty Sponsor, if applicable

Dr. Susan Markunas

Project Abstract

While rejection is an oft-studied phenomenon in the field of psychology, few studies examine its processes and effects from the perspective of the rejecter (the source). Our study seeks to examine the impact of risk and apology on decisions to reject another and has three primary goals: (1) to examine if rejection begets rejection (a source rejects someone and later rejects them again); (2) determine what circumstances (e.g., risk) influence the likelihood to reject another (a burdensome player); and (3) determine how an apology / explanation influences the likelihood to reject a second time.

Subjects will be asked to complete two problem solving tasks (with the goal of achieving a high score or risk losing credit) with a successful and a burdensom player. The thought is that participants will likely reject the burdensome player in order to avoid losing the game. Further, the effects of an apology and explanation on restoring the inclusion of the burdensome player in a second round will be examined. Finally, we will assess participants responses to scales examining their need to belong, empathy, competition, their experience of need threat, and general mood.


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Presentation Year

May 2016
