Volume 3, Number 1 (1998)
Volume 3 honors the legacies of those lost in the U.S.-Mexican War of 1846-48 and the Spanish-Cuban-American War of 1898 through research articles, opinion pieces, photo-essays, and creative works by scholars, students, and community activists to dispel the historically inaccurate and cynical versions presented by American historians and politicians.Articles
Desde el Taller
Ángel Carrión Tavárez, María Echeverría, Eduardo Arocho, and Adrián Arroyo
From the Editor
Félix Masud-Piloto
Treaty to End the "One Hundred Years" War
Eduardo Arocho
Traces of 1898 in Cuba Today
Félix Masud-Piloto
Spotlight-"Beyond the Maine"Sunset of Old Spanish Empire
Brenda Kean Tabor
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Still Relevant Today
Roberto Rodríguez and Patrisia Gonzales
Suggested readings: Lecturas para Revivir la Historia Latinoamericana: Experiencias Coloniales y Neo-coloniales
Mirza González
Book Review
Quisiera Hoy Partir Para la Isla de Cuba
Mirza González
- Editor
- Félix Masud-Piloto
- Deputy Editor
- Marixa Alicea
- Managing Editor
- María de los Ángeles Corral
- Book Review Editor
- Mirza González
- Poetry Editor
- Juana Goergen
- Graphic Design & Production
- Magdalena C. Meza
- Advisory Board
- José Soltero
- Bibiana Suárez
- Ann Folwell Stanford