College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Spring 6-14-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Anne Saw, PhD

Second Advisor

Megan Greeson, PhD


Although there is significant literature regarding Cambodian refugees and trauma, less is known about their U.S.-born children, many of whom are now adults. Literature suggests that second-generation youth are more susceptible to traumatic exposure and community violence compared to their White counterparts. However, there is little understanding of how second-generation Cambodian Americans contextualize the impacts of the Khmer Rouge genocide, and whether they perceive connections between historical trauma and their personal, family, and community experiences. This study utilized critical-constructivist grounded theory to explore perceived effects of historical trauma across domains of personal, family, and community. The recruitment process included e-mail and social media advertisements to Cambodian American community-based groups. Purposive sampling was used to reflect heterogeneity across ethnic identification, educational status, and gender. A total of 16 second-generation Cambodian American adults participated in 60- to 90-minute semi-structured interviews conducted via Zoom from February 2023 to June 2023. Data was then analyzed for themes using consensus coding. Findings suggest that historical trauma has impacted participants in terms of (1) personal mental health and wellbeing, (2) expanded family roles, i.e., caretaking of parents and other family members, (3) ethnic identity formation, and (4) limited perception of unity across their ethnic group. Participants expressed nuanced reactions toward historical trauma impacts. As adults, second-generation Cambodian Americans addressed negative impacts through strategies of communal healing. Findings have implications for research and practice to better understand and promote community wellbeing and resilience.

SLP Collection


Included in

Psychology Commons
